Wimex Ventures Ltd is a growing part of the Wimex group which has over 10 years of private trading experience in China. We focus on garments and general exports to the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and the Middle East and have produced for such famous companies as WalMart, Target and Hotbod’s. We employ enthusiastic, hardworking professionals that enjoy a challenge and dealing with a wide variety of overseas clients. Ventures believes in providing an open and friendly environment for it’s employees and is always looking for new opportunities. 北京维曼克斯工贸有限公司是维曼克斯集团的一个分支,是有着10多年经验的贸易公司。我们主要经营服装,出口到美国、加拿大、欧洲、澳大利亚和中东,也为一些著名公司提供服务,例如WalMart,Target和Hotbod。我们期待的员工是热情的、努力工作且具有专业知识的,他将会享受到工作带给你的挑战性,并且有机会为各种领域的客户服务。我们为正在寻找这种机会的应聘者敞开大门。热情的欢迎你们并且将为你们提供一个良好的环境。 Please send the resume in English.