北京京都安琪服装服饰有限公司 流行中不失传统,独特中显露自然,端庄中体现浪漫。 创意与实用并存的设计理念将酒店制服溶入每个酒店企业文化中。使客人能充分体会到酒店“以人为本”的服务和轻松而富有活力的氛围。突出酒店的文化底蕴和品位特征。 我们以专业的角度展现给您一组独具特色的制服设计及制作工艺,以不同的角度将时尚与经典,个性与自然,传统与现代巧妙融合。用最快捷的方式传递到客户手中。 Preface Trendy but also traditional,unique but also functional,dignified but also romantic. The coexistence of creativity and a practical uniform design concept will be integrated into the corporate culture of your hotel. Guests can fully appreciate the hotel "people-oriented" service and the relaxed atmosphere, full of vitality. Highlight the hotel's cultural heritage and special characteristics. We provide a professional point of view presented to you in a unique uniform series, with different views to fashion and classic, personality and nature, his fusion of traditional and modern. In this catalogue we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of our products. |